Beatles EventsChaChi's Blog
Come Together: Celebrating The Holidays with The Beatles!
City Winery Boston, Sunday Dec 10th

Come Together: Celebrating The Holidays With The Beatles
Sunday, December 10th
Doors at 11am
Show at Noon
We just announced our Very Special Guests at our next ‘Come Together’ Beatles Lunchtime monthly residency at City Winery Boston!!
Hosted by ChaChi and Beatles Magician John Duke Logan: Award Winning Magician and Keynote Speaker,
Our musical guest will be our dear friend and beloved Boston musician
And we’ll have Live via Satellite direct from Liverpool; Mr Roag Best!!
Plus we’ll celebrate the holidays with Beatles inspired magic by John Logan, Beatles stories, films, images and Beatles Trivia!
You could win original Beatles vinyl from Bob Walsh at Cheap Thrills Music in Dedham!
Joining us is our Master Of Ceremonies Bradley jay!
For info and tickets, go to